WAEC Syllabus for Home Management

The WAEC syllabus for Home Management is essential for candidates preparing to take the examination. It outlines the aims, objectives, notes, and format necessary for understanding the Home Management exam.

Studying Home Management is vital for effective exam preparation. It provides guidance on the topics to cover and emphasizes key concepts for learning.

Attempting exam preparations without utilizing the Home Management syllabus is akin to attempting farm work without the necessary tools, leading to decreased productivity.

It is crucial to commence exam preparations by thoroughly reviewing the provided syllabus.

This post also includes recommended textbooks approved by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) to supplement your study of Home Management.

WAEC Home Management

Aims and Objectives

Objectives for testing candidates in Home Management at the senior high school level include assessing their knowledge, understanding, appreciation and application of

  1. management concepts; goals, values, standards and needs;
  2. decision – making processes;
  3. human and material resources available for managing a home;
  4. basic skills needed in caring for the home and society;
  5. consumer skills;
  6. sound health practices;  
  7. self-reliant skills for effective living.

Scheme of Examination

There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2, and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken in one sitting.

SEE ALSO  WAEC Syllabus for Chemistry

Paper 1: This will comprise fifty multiple choice objective questions, all of which are to be answered in 1 hour for 50 marks.

Paper 2: This will comprise six essay questions out of which candidates will be required to answer four within 1 hour 15minutes for 50 marks.

Paper 3: This will be a 3 hour practical test of three hours which will be conducted by a visiting examiner that will be appointed by WAEC. This paper will carry 100 marks.

WAEC Home Management Syllabus

Principle of Management

  1. Definition of Home Management
  2. Careers in Home Management
  3. The Management Process
    • Application of process to specific tasks
  4. Motivations for Home Management
  5. Family Resources
  6. Decision–making
  7. Management of Time and Energy

Family Living

  1. The family
  2. Courtship and marriage


  1. Feeding the family
  2. Classes of food and food nutrients.
  3. The scientific study of good nutrients
  4. Effect of heat on nutrients
  5. Special nutrition needs of infants, toddlers, adolescents, adults, pregnant women, lactating women the aged, convalescents invalids and vegetarians.
  6. Food storage and preservation.
  7. Planning balanced meals for different groups of people.
  8. Kitchen plan, hygiene and safety.
  9. Food purchasing
  10. Preparation and serving of means, Snacks and beverages.
  11. Entertainment

Clothing the Family

  1. Clothing
  2. Household linen
  3. Textiles
  4. Fabric construction
  5. Planning a wardrobe
  6. Maintenance of clothing
  7. Sewing equipment and tools
  8. Sewing processes
  9. Storage of clothing

Housing the Family

  1. Family house
  2. Choosing family house
  3. Setting up a home
  4. Home Improvement/Interior Decoration
  5. Utilities in the home
  6. Simple home maintenance and Repairs.
  7. Safety measures in the home

Wealth Creation and Management

  1. Creativity and Entrepreneurship
  2. Money Management
  3. Wealth Creation
  4. Capital Market Investment
SEE ALSO  WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2025/2026 PDF Download

Consumer Education

  1. Definition and Importance of Consumer education
  2. Rights and responsibilities of a Consumer
  3. Consumer Information
  4. Consumer Legislation and Agencies
  5. Principles of consumer Education
  6. Consumer Agents
  7. Environmental Friendly Consumption practice
  8. Purchasing practices
  • Home Management by R.O. Johnson, A. Akingbehin and J. Mifie publishers: Longman
  • Home Management for Secondary Schools Enid O’Reilly Wright & Lillian
  • Adesimi – Davies Publishers – Evans Brothers Ltd.
  • Home Management for Secondary Schools 1-3by Mary Edna Aufani Joe, Oby Eyisi et al. Publishers- University Press Plc.
  • Home Management for Secondary Schools 1005 OQ & A Series by Elizabeth Anyakoha publisher-Fep Publisher Ltd.